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Section V

Status Control

Project Origins

I wanted a cooler way to manage my time and had just seen a very nice looking UI in a movie that I wanted to reproduce, so I made a little application in Unity that was basically a status selector.


This is a screenshot of the Mobile Application

It was made in Unity, which is a pretty heavy framework for such a small application

Pictured to the right a couple of important elements can be recongnized :

  • A status bar that is red or blue depending on the server connection
  • Current status
  • Three cells with a date, a time since last status change, and a message of the day
  • List of possible statuses, which are dynamically loaded from the server, and fall back to these 5 when no connection is available
  • A button that shows a list of past statuses and the dates

The fun part about this project is that both servers run on this machine, which means I can just pull the current status and display it below :

Current status :


It also has a cool little confirm menu for when you select a new status, with the margin moving around

Maybe I went a bit overboard with the bloom, but I really liked it at the time, and it was true to the source material, which was the main operating system in the fictional work Knights of Sidonia

Magic little footer